Friday 23 May 2014

Jambo/Hello good citizens of Earth.
What's in a blog except to share and bring out the thoughts and hopes in the inner spirit that is within us all.
Today has been quite an interesting day and I hope it has also been for you all a good day, if only the best day ever for we are all in hope and inspirations. Some days are diamond and some days are ... just painful !
But that's us all as humanity goes and we like a gradient -  survive, succeed, lose and level out after all the events.
So what's the Buzz  -
Todays The Star Newspaper reported a very interesting piece on Vinyl records ... and Yes I was mentioned but and yet put me aside and forget about me .... what matters here is the writer and brother John Kariuki, a renowned presenter and reporter who placed what should be called a genius write up onto his presentation. There is always news and features in the world to report and each has it's own merit. This one reserves a Kudo !
Without much ado please the audience come up with your own. The link is -

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