Thursday 1 May 2014

Music - The oldies live on and on

What's it about music of the decades gone by that never seems to become put away but instead revived and appreciated by all lovers of the audio sensory appreciators. Advances in technology seems to always disregard previous versions of their prototype yet when it comes to music there is always that everlasting appreciation for music composed, sung and played like Yonks ago. There must be some kind of magical mystery in the compositions of Mozart, Franco, Bob Dylan and all them bygone wizards of the ages that still brings out, generations later, a whole new appreciation in their music lore. It cannot be that the aria of those days are simply collectors item because what I see when I pitch my sales to customers of all age is their and my unadulterated respect for those great musicians and composers of the times when they spun, belted, drummed, winded, sang and strummed all their musical acumen with a fervour that can only overwhelmingly be deserving our heartfelt sigh of awe.
How did they do it,  them great musician with the brilliance in their actions and can it ever be done again .... well like all thoughts these are one amid many that comes to mind. Perhaps the beauty and rhythm of their times is somewhat lost and can never ever be revived again..... further on we who love music sadly contemplate.
Yet as genre, beats and the message of youthful generations goes by, there remains the trust and fervour that all is not lost. What is Music after all but the essence of life. The beauty of its soulful expressions is being even now created and presented today, with all heart and it will also in the times ahead become just as well the classics of all age.
What is it about brilliance .... hard to say or define for it's all in the loop of creativity. Every trade has it's joy and purpose, every hand has it's joy in the communal aspiration. Humanity is always endeavouring in the expression of its wisdom.
Back to the subject at hand ....  a question, how and why is it that generations of yours and  mine remain absolute loyalist to the musical sounds that perpetuated and influenced our youth with which we are steadfast and have nostalgia for 'that old groove' and yet then ...... we exclaim .... what about Schubert and Grand Kalle for they were before most of our time and yet their music still sounds all that awesome and all inspiring.
Music lovers, thats what we are  .... any excuse to hear one more tune !
It is as if music has the neverending story in mankinds audical perception as likewise also the visible conception of a Van Gogh painting. Don't let me get started about the aroma of a nyama choma get together here, for clearly the five senses in our knowledge of appreciation remains a real encompassing identity in our presence and existence for life loving itself.

My first Blog here ... thank you for reading. God bless Kenya !
Be well and Respect ......./\ ..... Let the goodtimes roll.

Abdul Karim
Melodica Music Stores
Nairobi, Kenya

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